“Atrof-muhitni asrash va “yashil” iqtisodiyotni qo‘llab-quvvatlashda faol bo‘lamiz!”


Toefl itp test formati
  • Since teachers are required to achieve C levels to get salary increase, you need to offer TOEFL ITP Level 1 (not Level 2)
  • https://www.etsglobal.org/uz/en/test-type-family/toefl-itp-tests - here info on TOEFL ITP Level 1.
    • The TOEFL ITP® Level 1 test lasts about 2 hours and assesses students at Intermediate to Advanced levels.
    • The minimum total score is 310 and the maximum is 677.
    • The test is composed of 140 questions. It is divided into 4 sections:
      • Listening Comprehension: this section is composed of 50 questions and lasts 35 minutes. The score ranges from 31 to 68.
      • Structure and Written Expression: this section is composed of 40 questions and lasts 25 minutes. The score ranges from 31 to 68.
      • Reading Comprehension: this section is composed of 50 questions and lasts 55 minutes. The score ranges from 31 to 67.
      • Speaking Comprehension: .
    • Test takers will receive a score report that includes performance feedback. This is a reflection of the student’s performance level and a description of the kinds of tasks that test takers can typically do within the reported score range.
    • The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) provides additional information about TOEFL scores by providing a global interpretation.