A meeting was held on the topic of independence and human dignity

31-08-2022 | 2622

The 31st anniversary of the independence of our country is widely celebrated. In this regard, on August 30, 2022, a spiritual and educational event was organized at the State Test Center. Quddus Azamov, who worked as a well-known political commentator and is now a respected journalist, was invited.

Quddus A'zam, who spoke at the event, said that due to independence, a full opportunity was created for the spiritual awakening of our people, and the era of freedom, which had been a dream for centuries, was started. He also gave extensive and detailed information about the history of the country, the restoration of the ancient culture, the flourishing of the people's age-old traditions, and spiritual values, and the change in the attitude to the freedom of conscience, which was closed to isolation, limitations, and prohibitions.

On the other hand, during the lively conversation of the speaker and employees, Independence, which opened a completely new era, formed a new way of thinking about the history and national outlook of the Uzbek people. Today, especially as a result of the reforms implemented in the field of education, it was recognized that revolutionary changes are taking place, that the value of the individual, the essence of the profession is being glorified again, and most importantly, the well-being of the people is being ensured in the literal sense.

As expected, the meeting was full of heated debates.


Press service of the State Test Center