Registration of applicants for April has started

16-03-2021 | 2069

Registration has begun for the foreign language proficiency tests which will take place in April.

Registration of applicants is carried out through the website (portal of interactive services of the State Test Center).

While registering, Applicants can choose one of the test areas in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, or the city of Tashkent and take part in the test in the area of ​​their choice.

The foreign language proficiency tests which will take place in April will be conducted in English, German and French languages.

Applicants who score at least 60% of the maximum score on the test will receive a certificate that is valid for 2 years.

Applicants with a B2 or higher language proficiency certificate are assigned a fixed maximum score without tests in a foreign language in admission tests to higher educational institutions.


Press Service of the State Test Center