Today is the last day to receive appeals

06-09-2022 | 1102

On August 28, 2022, the acceptance of appeals from applicants who are dissatisfied with the result of the entrance test for the undergraduate courses of higher education institutions began.

Also, on August 31, appeals were received from applicants who were dissatisfied with the results of the test to transfer students' studies from abroad to the state higher education institutions of Uzbekistan.

Acceptance of appeals was carried out through and today (September 6) is the last day for accepting applications.

The applicant who filed an appeal will receive a notice indicating the date and time of its review.

The applicant must come to the State Test Center at the time specified in the notification with an identity document, a notification and an applicant's permit.

A review of appeals will begin on September 7, 2022.


Press service of the State Test Center