The diagnostic test service has been launched online

15-06-2023 | 863

It is known that diagnostic tests in the format of entrance tests to HEIs are conducted by the Knowledge Assessment Agency.

Until now, this service has been provided in paper form, and now it is possible to use this service in electronic form.

For this, in cooperation with the platform, online diagnostic tests have been launched.

Through the diagnostic tests, applicants can test their knowledge and thoroughly prepare for the entrance tests to HEIs.

In addition to the site, this service can also be used via the @itestuzbot telegram bot.

Mobile applications of site is currently being developed and will be placed on Google Play and App Store at the end of June.

The price of the service is 20,000 soums for 3 test options. In each test option, 90 test tasks are given from 3 compulsory and 2 specialized subjects.

Note: The three options in one set are parametric to each other, and the questions differ in terms of values close to each other. This will help the student to repeat and consolidate the acquired knowledge.