Another field reception took place in Fergana region

26-03-2021 | 4207

In accordance with the plan of field receptions in the 1st half of 2021, the leadership of the State Test Center continues to organize field receptions to consider applications from individuals and legal entities on issues related to the activities of the State Test Centre.

As part of the plan, on March 24-25, 2021, under the leadership of the Director of the State Test Center Karimov Madjit Malikovich, the staff of the Fergana regional branch of the State Test Center held field receptions.

The first field reception was held on March 24 at the secondary school No. 10 in the mahalla "Khoja forso" in Margilan with the participation of more than 120 students, science teachers and community activists. . State representative of Margilan city A.Ziyovutdinov, the deputy head of the department of public education of Fergana region Sh.Dolimov, the deputy of the Margilan city council of the Council of People's Deputies M. Mirzaev. The meeting was held in cooperation with the deputy of Margilan city council M. Mirzayev.

On the same day, in cooperation with the specialists of the People's Reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Fergana region, the field reception was organized at the Presidential People's Reception in Fergana.

The next mobile receptions were held on March 25 at the secondary school No. 18 in Tashkentliguzar mahalla of Uchkuprik district and at the School of Music and Arts of Uchkuprik mahalla with participation of the Deputy Director Sh.Pozilov, the head of the Department of Public Education of Uychi district D.Ayupova and the deputy head of the Department of Public Education of Fergana region Sh.Dolimov. The event was attended by more than 320 citizens - young people, graduates, teachers and parents.

These meetings with the participation of young people, alumni, teachers, parents, community activists and state representatives were held in the form of open dialogue. The conversations were devoted to the latest news on admission tests to higher educational institutions, expected changes, simplification of testing processes, creation of more opportunities, the process of providing favorable conditions for test-takers, the formation of test items focused on logical thinking, the introduction of a national testing system for general education subjects. During the event, the essence and content of decrees and regulations related to the field of education were also considered.

During the event, detailed answers were provided to questions of students, teachers, parents, state representatives and other participants in the meetings.


Press Service of State Test Center