Off-site receptions continue

20-01-2021 | 1554

The State Test Center and its territorial subdivisions in the field hold field receptions in order to update young people and parents on the content of the current decrees and actions which carried out today.

On January 20, 2021, another field reception took place in the Khorezm region.

The event, organized at the secondary school No. 23 of the Yangibazar district under the leadership of the Deputy Director of the State Test Center Batirov Sherzod Negmuratovich and employees of the territorial department, was attended by representatives of the Department of Public Education of the region, the leadership of public education of the Yangibazar district, as well as pedagogical personal of Urgench State University, heads of general education schools, teachers and students.

At the field reception, the responsible employees of the State Test Center focused on clarifying the essence of the adopted decrees and decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on ensuring fairness and transparency of admission tests to educational institutions, creating broader conditions and opportunities for the tested applicants.

At the same time, it is seen a high interest for the simplification of entrance examinations for undergraduate education in higher education institutions, the new changes and innovations in the administration of tests, the essence of the work carried out in this regard in cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies. This can be seen from the content and number of questions of educators, teachers and students on actual issues.


Press Service of the State Testing Center