Field receptions continue

09-02-2021 | 4001

The State Test Center under the Cabinet of Ministers is arranging field receptions in order to update young people and parents on the content of the current decrees and actions carried out today.

One such event took place on February 9, 2021, in Kashkadarya region.

The event was organized by the Kashkadarya regional branch of the State Test Center under the leadership of Deputy Director of the State Test Center Radjabov Sardor Bakhtiyorovich at the School of Music and Arts No. 8 in Kasan.

The main emphasis during the visit was made by officials of the State Test Center  'on clarifying the essence of the content of decisions, the resolutions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan to ensure fairness and transparency in entrance examinations to educational institutions, to create more favorable conditions and opportunities for applicants'.

At the same time, the simplification of tests for admission to the undergraduate degree in higher educational institutions this year, changes and innovations in the conduct of tests, the essence of the work being done in cooperation with relevant ministries and departments, and the other such issues were highly interesting for participants.


 Press Service of State Test Center