Information on the number of registered applicants for the 2022-2023 academic year (18:00 on July 5, 2022)

05-07-2022 | 3826


The number of applicants registered on (confirmed phone number) is 320 424.

  • Those who chose the field of study: 184 871 (58%);
  • Those who did not choose the field of study: 135 553 (42%).

185 359 applicants entered the data of their graduated educational establishment.

  • 101 969 are current year graduates;
  • 83 390 are graduates of previous years.

Distribution of applicants who have chosen the field of study by area of permanent residence:

  • Tashkent region – 22 522
  • Samarkand region – 22 030
  • Fergana region – 18 129
  • Kashkadarya region – 17 667
  • Andijan region – 16 259
  • Tashkent city – 15 576
  • Surkhandarya region – 14 895
  • Namangan region – 11 549
  • Bukhara region – 9 690
  • Jizzakh region – 9 411
  • Khorezm region – 8 095
  • Navoi region – 7 914
  • Syrdarya region – 7 723  
  • The Republic of Karakalpakstan – 3 411


Press service of the State Test Center