Registration for the TOEFL ITP has started

14-03-2022 | 2634

Online registration has begun for the TOEFL ITPexam, which will take place in March.

Registration is open until March 24 on the website of the State Test Center

The test will be held online on March 24 at the State Test Center in Tashkent, and applicants will know the results at the end of the test.

Applicants who successfully pass the exam will receive an international certificate from ETS.

Applicants can view the test samples and prepare for the test at the following link:

The fee for the test is 3.5 times the basic calculation amount (945,000 soums).

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 5117 dated May 19, 2021, teachers of foreign languages ​​of educational institutions with TOEFL ITP certificate corresponding to C1 level shall be entitled to a monthly additional 50 per cent salary bonus.


Press Service of State Test Center